Garden Design
This is the time of year when you can plan what you want to do with your garden in the months ahead. But where to start? If you are thinking of redesigning your garden here are some planning tips to help you get started.
- Plant selection should be one of the last things you consider, or you may be overwhelmed trying to create a design to accommodate the dozens (or hundreds or even thousands) of plants you crave.
- Keep in mind what your garden will be used for and when.
- If you plan to entertain a lot and don’t want to spend all summer on maintenance, look for easy care plants that don’t require constant deadheading and staking to look good.
- If you are planting for small children, choose plants that will bloom at their eye level, with interesting textures and scents and non-poisonous flowers and seeds.
Make a list of the plants you like and group them by colour, texture, form, season of bloom and/or interest. Consider both flowers and foliage.
Many plants being are being bred with colourful foliage to provide interest in the garden all year.