How To Plant Dwarf Tulip Bulbs


If you want to fill your garden with colour next spring, you need to do a little bit of forward planning! Plant bulbs from October to December, before the first frost. Daffodils, tulips, crocus, grape hyacinths and fritillarias are just some of the plants to choose from. First you need to decide what to plant and Tulips are one of the most popular Spring bulbs for a reason. Fantastic colours and attractive shapes make them a stunning choice for your garden. There are a wide variety of dwarf Tulips all with stunning colour displays and spectacular foliage year after year whilst requiring minimal care.


How To Buy Bulbs

  • Most bulbs have a long dormant period, requiring little attention for much of the year. When buying bulbs check they’re healthy and as fresh as possible, or your spring show could be a washout.
  • Avoid any that are damaged, shrivelled or feel soft, and go for plump, firm bulbs. Aim to plant within a week or they’ll start to sprout. When possible, check that the plants have been obtained from reliable growers, rather than from stock that has been collected from the wild.

Planting In Containers

With planning, a container of miniature bulbs will flower in a progression for several weeks. Combine snowdrops, miniature daffodils, grape hyacinths, winter aconites, anemone blanda, dwarf iris, and small species crocus in small clumps in mixed plantings.

Container Bulbs – How To Plant In Layers