Growing your own food can be good exercise and could save you money. It can also provide you with a healthy supply of fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables.
The first video shows you how to plant and grow delicious, nutritious blueberries in containers and in the garden. It also has tips on soil, fertilizing, and pruning.
Growing your own fruit is not that difficult and this video shows you how to plant, prune and train brambles like raspberries, blackberries and boysenberries.
It’s easy to get started and there are lots of places you can grow plants, even if you don’t have a garden.
More people are getting interested in growing their own fruit and vegetables, for many different reasons:
- It could save you money on expensive items like salad leaves
- Gardening is a cheap form of exercise and a great way to burn calories and get some fresh air
- Growing your own can help you get your five-a-day portions of fruit and vegetables
- You’ll become more aware of what’s in season, so you may find it easier to choose seasonal food when you go shopping (seasonal food is likely to need less energy to produce)
- Gardening can be a sociable activity which involves you in your local community
- It can help to reduce stress and can give you a sense of achievement