The feathery plumes of Astilbe rise above fern like foliage for a month or more in late spring and early summer. Available in shades of pink, white, and red, Astilbe is ideal for shady, moist spots. Astilbe bring a graceful, feathery note to moist, shady landscapes, however, the leaves will scorch in full sun. White, pink, lavender, or red flowers rise above the finely divided foliage from early to late summer depending on the variety. Astilbe will spread slowly over time to form large clumps.
Astilbes are easy to grow and need little maintenance other than to be trimmed back in the early spring ready for the new growth and periodically divided.
Growing Information:
Light: Part Sun,Shade
Zones: 4 – 8
Height: 6 – 40 inches tall
Width: 18 – 30 inches wide
Uses: Containers, Beds & Borders, Ground cover
Plant Care
- Astilbes prefer damp or moist soil, and are suitable for waterside or semi bog planting.
- Growing requirements for Astilbes are simple; a semi shaded place in soil which tends to be damp and does not dry out and in these conditions Astilbes are easy to establish and unfussy plants.
- Astilbe are suitable for all soil types, including acid soils, the only exception is dry soil.
- Astilbe are fully hardy and perennial, which means they do come back each year to provide colour in the garden and are good value for money.
- If your Astilbe is not flowering well and it has been established for a few years, it is best to divide them as they are probably becoming overcrowded.