How To Plant A Rose Garden


Roses are some of the most beautiful garden plants, but they are often overlooked as a landscape plant by gardeners. Many gardeners have the mistaken belief that they’re hard-work and high-maintenance. The reality is that, if you choose the right roses & plant them well, then they are a reliable, beautiful AND sustainable garden addition. This short video is packed with tips on how to best plant a rose garden to achieve a brilliant outcome!


Three points to consider when choosing a site for your Rose garden

  • Choose a sunny spot. Roses require at least six hours of sun each day for best performance.
  • Make sure your roses have enough room to grow. Whether you plant one or a hundred roses, make sure your rose garden is large enough to give your roses room to grow and breathe.
    When you plan your garden space, plant the roses the recommended distance apart, good air circulation will assist their natural disease resistance. Air flowing around the shrubs will keep the foliage dry and reduce humidity, helping to cut down on fungal diseases.
  • Decide what size you want your rose garden to be. You need to brealistic in estimating how much time you can devote to the garden and plan its size accordingly.


This video shows you the best techniques to have your own rose garden at home.




  • Choose the right roses for your climate as roses that aren’t suited for your climate may not survive the winters.
  • Look for varieties of roses to enhance your home garden’s look.
  • Plant them in full sunlight and in an open spot with good air flow.
  • When planting roses add a little mulch on the soil over their roots and enrich the soil with compost.