Chemical compounds for improving fertility and fighting pests and diseases are increasingly expensive. Organic Gardening does need some planning and you need to compensate for deficiencies of your soil or of the biodiversity of your region. With a little time and patience, you will soon learn that Organic Gardening can be a very enjoyable hobby. For centuries, gardeners and farmers have used a series of natural methods to increase productivity and fight pests before the use of pesticides, and there is no reason why you can’t do the same today! This video has some great tips about how to start your own organic garden.
The first step is to get information. You’ll need to first know the basics if you want to start your very own organic garden.
- The first basic requirement is the soil you use. Knowing how to compost and properly fertilize your soil is extremely important, without the proper soil for your plants to grow in; you will not see the results.
- Decide what plants to grow. You’ll need to learn when and how often to rotate your plants. Some plants take minerals from the soil that other plants don’t need, whilst others will be able to assist your soil by giving back minerals, getting the right soil to plant can be a very delicate balance.
- Choosing the right plants to grow depends heavily on your soil type, climate and also the water available. Some plants may also require more attention than others.
- Organic gardening means the use of NO pesticides what so ever, it is important to know how to properly protect your plants from pests that may be lurking in your backyard. For every pest you find, there is a natural way of treating them, without the use of toxins, poisons and pesticides. There is no need to spread poison around your garden, since nature already has pest control mechanisms.