Buddleia are probably one of the most popular garden shrubs. Buddleia are great plants which flower from Summer into Autumn. They are extremely hardy and known for their tenacity particularly when growing freely in the wild. They are a great choice for long term borders or rockeries and will provide an abundance of colourful flowers. Annual pruning encourages plenty of new growth and larger flowers for the coming year. Leaving on the last of the flowers and letting them turn to seed, provides food for small birds during the winter months.
When To Prune Buddleia
The best time to prune Buddleia is late winter or early spring, just as the new buds begin to swell, cutting away the previous years growth to two or three buds from their base.
Don’t be scared – Buddleia is a hardy shrub, and generally very forgiving when it comes to pruning, any mistakes will soon be hidden by healthy new growth.
Removing faded flower spikes during flowering, (dead heading) will keep all varieties of buddleia, flowering longer throughout the summer.
Butterfly bushes tend to be very forgiving plants and this video tells you how to care for a butterfly bush.