The Clematis family is large – there are some 500 species around the world. They are lovely garden plants which flower for a large part of the summer.
Unusual Clematis
- A double-flowered Clematis, such as ‘Multi Blue’ with its sharp bracts, is gorgeous and unusual.
- The evergreen Clematis armandii is the most hardy, but only in a sheltered spot. The foliage is shiny green and contrasts beautifully with the flowers in April-May. As an added bonus these plants have a beautiful fragrance.
Small-flowered Clematis
- The earliest flowering (April) include the soft blue Clematis alpina.
- There are also attractive cultivars of Clematis macropetala, particularly in pastel shades: blue (‘Blue Bird’) and pink (‘Rosy O’Grady’).
- The best-known fast-growing variety is Clematis montana var. rubens, which is covered in pink flowers in May. This plant is ideal for hiding an ugly shed or other eye-sores around your property.
- A moderate-growing species is Clematis viticella.
- Yellow-flowered Clematis tangutica, ‘Aureolin’ and ‘Golden Harvest’. A full sun position will produce a host of flowers.
Large-flowered Clematis
Large-flowered Clematises are very eye-catching when they flower. Take account of their colour when making your selection, and also their flowering period. The late-flowering varieties are attractive because they lend colour to a late summer garden, a time when a bit of extra brightness is welcome.
Flowering Time: May/June June/July July/September
- White: ‘Miss Bateman’ Mme Le Coultre’ ‘Jackmanii Alba’
- Pink: ‘Pink Fantasy’ Nelly Moser'(striped) ‘Hagley Hybrid’
- Red: ‘Niobe’ Rouge Cardinal’ ‘Ville de Lyon
- Pale blue: ‘Lasurstern’ Mrs.Cholmondeley’ ‘Lawsoniana’
- Indigo: ‘The President’ Jackmanii’ ‘Gipsy Queen’